
treesHow would you like to help make history? Volunteers are always needed to help! Join us in preserving Silverton’s heritage! Please check out the areas that you might like to help with.

  • I can be a museum host (3 hours on a Saturday or Sunday, Once a month – that’s all.)
  • I can help coordinate volunteers for hosting. (30 Minutes a month, if that…….Probably less.)
  • I can call for volunteers for special events: Homer Days, special museum tours, home tours. (1-2 hours as needed. 2-3 times a year . This is your bag if you like talking to people.)
  • I can help keep the museum clean. (Work parties 3-4 hours, once or twice a year – A really good way to get to know your museum.)
  • I can help setup museum displays. (2-3 hours as needed, maybe 2-3 times a year, This is fun!)
  • I can help with special projects. (This includes cataloging, archiving items, doing inventory, researching requests for information…(we call it acceptable gossip!) and lots of other fun tasks.)
  • I can help with small maintenance projects in the museum. (1-2 hours as needed – Handymen and women wanted.)
  • I can help with the newsletter. Submitting stories, helping prepare for mailings, etc. (2-3 hours once a month – We love the newsletter.)
  • I value my Museum. I will work on projects to increase its visibility in the community, i.e. website updating, brochures, etc. ( 1-2 hours as needed – We’ll call you.)
  • And now the Biggie: Yes, I can serve on the SCHS Board !  It sounds like fun and will provide me with an opportunity to give something back to my community. (Time involved is your call.)

Thank you for your help! Questions?

Call Chris at 503-551-3120.